There are a couple of recommended posts about anonymous's claims to have hacked the Republican software platform and thereby blocked a planned large-scale forgery of voting results. As someone who dabbles in security, (the main focus of my research is in machine learning and bioinformatics), I thought I'd add my two bits.
I'll add more detail below the orange squiggle, but in brief:
1. Although possible, it is unlikely that the client program of ORCA was an attack agent.
2. It is possible that the Republican's main system was attacked and crashed from the outside. This would be hard to show without examining their logs, and if the hackers were sufficiently clever may be hard to prove even then (i.e. not even false).
3. If some parts of the ORCA software - even the compiled versions - are available it should be possible to examine them with computer forensic techniques to look for holes. It may even be a useful exercise in software engineering, if they didn't fail for trivial reasons.